Publication FNEGE

Business school environmental transition observatory – 3rd edition

Type : Observatoires
Année de publication : 2023
Auteur(s) : EL MAWLA Batoul, TAHRI Najoua

Students in higher education are future professionals and as such they will have an environmental, social and societal impact. It is therefore important to limit negative impacts and try to move towards a successful environmental transition. The education they receive during their studies and the ecosystem they live in should prepare them for these responsibilities.

The purpose of the Environmental Transition Observatory (ETO) is to produce a bi-annual report on how the challenges and issues of the environmental transition are being addressed in French business schools.

The ETO report is an opportunity for the heads of these institutions to take stock of what has already been done and to measure what remains to be done, the milestones still to be achieved, so that their students will become engaged managers in the environmental transition.

This third edition of the ETO survey arrives after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic and was conducted between March and May 2023.

ETO is available, free, with open access and downloadable from the FNEGE website.

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